WARNING: This product contains nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical

Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120ml
Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120ml
Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120ml
Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120ml
Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120ml
Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120mlStateline Vapes

Big Bottle Co Strawberry Milk 120ml

We have 10 available.

Regular price Sale

Everybody knows that you can group people into the type of milk they drink. And you're a cool kid. You don't care that it's pink-- if anything, that makes it cooler. Real men wear pink. Unless you're a redhead like me. Anyways, this e-juice perfectly captures that delicious strawberry milk flavor you drank in the cafeteria. That is.. IF you're a cool kid.

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